“Items like the durable unibody construction, the blazingly fast Snapdragon baseband processor and the bright and sharp Active-Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode (AM-OLED) display all have been seen in previous phones, but never before combined into a single design,” noted Kevin Keller, senior analyst at iSuppli. “This gives the Nexus One the most advanced features of any smartphone ever dissected by iSuppli’s Teardown Analysis Service, a remarkable feat given the product’s BOM is similar to comparable products introduced during the past year.” Google is selling unlocked versions of the device at an unsubsidised price of US$529, or at US$179 with a two-year contract from T-Mobile USA. According to iSuppli’s analysis, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chip is the most expensive part in the device, costing US$30.50 and accounting for 18 percent of the total.
In comparison, iSuppli said that Motorola’s Droid phone, which also operates on Google’s Android software, has components costing about US$185. Last June it was reported that the entry-level version of Apple’s iPhone 3G S carried a BOM cost of US$172.46, whilst earlier research from the firm found that Palm’s Pre had a BOM cost of between US$140 and US$160. In January last year iSuppli found that the BlackBerry Storm 9530 carried a combined materials and manufacturing cost of US$202.89.
source: GSMA MBB
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